Friday, January 15, 2010

Symmetrical Balance

Claes Oldenburg

Eva Hesse
"Untitled 1966"

Claes Oldenburg

Claes Oldenburg
"Dropped Bowl With Scattered Slices and Peels"

Claes Oldenburg

I. Elements of 3D Design

Symmetrical Balance: When both sides of an object are identical to one another.

Asymmetrical Balance: When one or more sides of an object are not identical to the others.

Radial Balance: When all elements radiate out from a central point in a circular fashion.

Scale: A system of ordered marks at fixed intervals used as a reference standard in measurement.

Proportion: Comparative relation between objects.

Emphasis: Giving something great stress or importance.

Contrast: To compare in order to show differences.

Variety: A number of different types of things.

Repetition: The act of repeating something.

Rhythm: Movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence of a beat, accent, or the like.